Klamath Falls Daytime

What is Klamath Falls Known For?

从19世纪开始的丰富历史到全年晴朗的天气和高沙漠气候,克拉马斯瀑布以许多事情而闻名. Furthermore, 由于附近有丰富的山地地形和森林,这里有丰富的户外娱乐活动.

When people think Klamath Falls and what its known for, they have a lot of exceptional examples to choose from. Many would likely begin to think of things like Crater Lake National Park, JELD-WEN, inc, Oregon Institute of Technology, Running Y Ranch Resort, the Air National Guard’s 173rd Fighter Wing at Kingsley Field. 在参观了该地区之后,许多人对该地区的巨大潜力发表了评论,并惊叹于它似乎尚未被发现.

History of Klamath Falls, Oregon

Klamath Falls has a rich history beginning in the 1800s with the westward migration on the Oregon Trail. 这最终导致了在克拉马斯盆地的定居,那里的偏远地区很快就以其森林和牧场而闻名. After the Southern Pacific Railroad arrived in the early 1900s, the city began to grow at a rapid rate. For a true look at the history of Klamath Falls, the Klamath County Museum 作为克拉马斯县及周边地区的主要历史博物馆.

The Klamath and Modoc peoples were the first known inhabitants of the area. 就在代价高昂的莫多克战争(1872-1873)之前,土著和美国各各他之间发生了战争, 一个名叫乔治·纳斯的人从俄勒冈小道来到了我们今天所知的“克拉马斯瀑布”, then naming the small settlement “Linkville”, a tribute to the Link River north of Lake Ewauna.

In 1906, 克拉马斯填海工程开始抽干沼泽,转移水源,使农业能够在阳光充足的气候下繁荣发展. 1907年5月22日,随着主运河“A”的建成,水第一次可用. 第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战的退伍军人获得了在填海土地上定居的机会, 直到今天,许多第三代和第四代农民仍然在他们的曾曾祖父母最初耕种的土地上耕作.

For several decades, Klamath County and its encompassing cities were primarily supported by timber, logging, and wood products manufacturers. 该县拥有密集的木材供应,位于几个主要西海岸分销市场之间的中心澳门官方球盘下载app. Dozens of lumber mills cut fir and pine lumber, 直到20世纪80年代末,当北方斑点猫头鹰和其他濒危物种成为改变西部森林政策的推动力时,该行业才蓬勃发展起来.

作为木材和木制品分销的主要市场,社区发展了一个强大的 transportation system, with four major highways converging in Klamath Falls, rail distribution via Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF), as well as a promising regional airport.

The economy has since evolved, maintaining the strength of those historic industries proudly, 区域领导更加关注社区合作,以形成和执行更好地定位农村经济的战略,以探索适合该地区基础设施的新兴市场. Such expanding markets include renewable energy/clean technologies, advanced manufacturing, nutraceuticals, among several others!

Oregon’s City of Sunshine

Many associate Oregon as being “rainy”. In fact, across Oregon there are many terrains, climates, and landscapes to explore in cities scattered throughout the state, some alike, some far different. Klamath County generally described as high-desert, and therefore is much drier than the Eugene and Portland areas.

克拉马斯瀑布是俄勒冈州阳光最充足的地方,通常被称为该州的“阳光之城”。. 这座城市以每年平均300天的日照而自豪地拥有这一称号. 克拉马斯瀑布坐落在喀斯喀特山脉的东侧,位于该州的南部,那里通常比北部地区阳光充足. 在高海拔的沙漠景观中,晴朗干燥的天气提供了最佳的全年 livability.

As Oregon’s “City of Sunshine”, the high desert community contains a diverse mix of scenic assets, forming a truly dynamic outdoor environment. People moving and traveling to the area can enjoy scenic hikes to waterfalls, fishing on the many lakes and rivers, a day trip to Crater Lake National Park, or a downtown street fair such as the Klamath Falls Farmer’s Market. 在许多年里,由于温和的高沙漠气候,人们可以全年享受户外娱乐.

An Abundance of Outdoor Recreation Activities

With the ideal location for those that enjoy being out year-round, Klamath Falls is also well-known for outdoor recreation. With the nearby Crater Lake National Park and the stunning Cascade mountains, 这里有许多湖泊和山脉,几乎适合任何户外活动,包括徒步旅行, biking, fishing, water sports, rock climbing, winter sports, and so much more. 更不用说众多的野生动物保护区,克拉马斯瀑布是世界级的观鸟胜地. The area is more than known for the plentiful things to do in southern Oregon’s backyard.

那些谁访问克拉马斯不禁惊叹于户外娱乐活动的广泛选择可在短短几分钟内. Sprawling across the county is a fusion of forests, mountains, hills, deserts, lakes, rivers, and more. 这种自然地理很容易让人产生各种兴趣,无论季节如何. 克拉马斯瀑布的规模和澳门官方球盘下载app之美在于,你可以想象到的任何活动都可以体验和理解,而无需拥挤的人口中心, tourists or exhibitors interfering with the adventures you plan. 住在克拉马斯的人经常会做以下任何一项活动:徒步旅行, boating, skiing, golfing, snowmobiling, zip-lining, kayaking, camping, horse-riding, among many others.


In addition to the rich history of the indigenous and pioneer people, Klamath Falls is also known for much more. Major business centers call Klamath Falls home, including JELD-WEN, inc. 哪个是世界上最大的门窗制造商,在全球拥有超过20,000名员工. 这个社区的独特之处在于它是世界一流的四年制大学的所在地 Oregon Tech该校的毕业生受到波音(Boeing)和英特尔(Intel)等公司的追捧. 雇主选择在克拉马斯瀑布落户,因为这里的生活成本低,而且有健全的高等教育体系——俄勒冈理工学院, Klamath Community College, OHSU Campus for Rural Health, and OSU Extension Office (Klamath Basin Research and Extension Center). Additionally, 该社区拥有最高的人均医疗专业人员比例之一, who work in the local health care systems. In recent years, 克拉马斯瀑布和克拉马斯县因几项社区范围的努力而获得赞誉. In 2018, Klamath County received the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize. 该奖项表彰了克拉马斯瀑布作为一个投资于强大伙伴关系的社区,并为使每个人都有机会过上美好生活做出了深刻的承诺. 与2018年罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会认可的作品相辅相成, Klamath Falls has received the honor of being named a certified Blue Zones Community®. Due to the hard work of the people of Klamath Falls, Klamath Falls is the first in the Pacific Northwest to claim this title, 它承认社区合作伙伴在帮助改善健康结果和投资于居民寿命方面所做的努力.

In fall 2020, Oregon Main Street announced Klamath Falls and the Klamath Falls Downtown Association for the “Excellence in Downtown Revitalization” Outstanding Partnership award. 该奖项表彰了克拉马斯瀑布日夜为振兴俄勒冈州历史悠久的市中心所做的努力. 市中心的这条走廊也因在俄勒冈州的大街上修建了一座建筑而声名狼藉 Klamath Piano Project, 在温暖的月份里,是什么让市中心走廊上的钢琴由当地艺术家绘制, and available for passersby to enjoy.

Whether your interested in being in a sunnier location, enjoying outdoor activities, looking for a slower pace of life (with a great cost of living!), wanting to grow your career, 或者寻找一个紧密结合的社区,这个社区的历史赋予了它迎接下一个机会的能力, Klamath Falls and the communities in Klamath County will not disappoint. 想了解更多关于在这里搬迁业务或探索新投资机会的信息, contact KCEDA.

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